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To book a consultation with one of our dedicated staff and to see how we can provide help to you, your loved ones, or agency book a consultation meeting with us.
Certified Medical Staffing Services
Companions and Homemakers
Personal Care and Home Care Aides
Certified Nursing Assistants
LPNs and RNs
Private Caregivers
Home Delivered Meals
In home respite Care
TennCare Choices Program
The TennCare Choices Program offers people support in getting long-term (home care or community-based) assistance with the Certified Medical Staffing Company. The TennCare Choices programs offers three groups of support:
CHOICES Group 1 is for people of all ages who receive nursing home care. For more information about nursing home care.
CHOICES Group 2 is for adults (age 21 and older) with a physical disability and seniors (age 65 and older) who qualify to receive nursing home care, but choose to receive home care services instead.
CHOICES Group 3 is for adults (age 21 and older) with a disability and seniors (age 65 and older) who don’t qualify for nursing home care, but need a more moderate package of home care services to delay or prevent the need for nursing home care.
Nursing Homes
Contract Assignment
Private Clients/Agencies
Our Services
Who We Serve
You Need Assistance Getting Assistance?
Companions and Homemakers
Personal Care and Home Care Aides
Certified Nursing Assistants
LPNs and RNs
Private Caregivers
Home Delivered Meals
In home respite Care
Homecare Services
Need the level of care provided in a nursing home
Qualify for Medicaid long- term services and supports.
Your income can't be more than $2,199 per month.
The total value of things you own can't be more than $2,000.
You can't have given away or sold anything for less than what it's worth in the last five (5) years.
TennCare CHOICES Qualifications
TennCare CHOICES Enrollment
​Your TennCare health plan (or Managed Care Organization) must be able to meet your needs safely at home.
If you qualify for nursing home care, the cost of your home care can't be more than the cost of nursing home care.
The cost of your home care includes any home health or private duty nursing care that you need.
If you don’t qualify for nursing home care, but are “at risk” of needing nursing home level of care, the cost of your CHOICES home care can’t be more than $15,000 per year. That doesn’t include the cost of any minor home modifications you may need